CHENNAI: A 45-year-old man was arrested by the Chennai police on Saturday on charges of sexually assaulting his six-year-old daughter. Police said that on Thursday night, the girl was brought to the government children’s hospital in Egmore for injuries sustained on her head. However, during a detailed check-up, doctors found some injuries on her private parts as well. The doctors immediately alerted the concerned jurisdictional all women police station.
The district child protection unit also came into the picture, and based on their investigation they found that her father had sexually assaulted her.
Cops from AWPS went to the victim’s house for a probe and questioned the father. He denied the allegations initially, but later accepted it. He was immediately arrested after a case was booked under the Pocso Act and sent to prison. The child’s mother is an anganwadi worker, police said.
On Saturday evening, the political party Puratchi Bharatam, in a statement, said that the accused was removed from their party three years ago, after some media publications and social media handles projected him as a party functionary.