CHENNAI: Superior doctors prevent disease. Mediocre doctors treat the disease before it is evident. Inferior doctors treat the full-blown disease’. This is a common Chinese saying by Huang Dee Nai-Chang, a character from the Huangdi Neijing, a foundational text in Traditional Chinese Medicine. This was quoted by Padma Bhushan recipient Dr Shiv Kumar Sarin, a hepatologist and gastroenterologist, at his book launch in the city on Saturday.
The book, Own Your Body: A Doctor’s Life-Saving Tips, was inspired by “seeing similar illnesses in hundreds of patients,” says the doctor. He adds that when people know they are diagnosed with a particular disease, they are surprised and question ‘Why and how did I get it?’. They wonder why or what wrong they have done. “They (people) are not aware of their illnesses and diseases. And doctors generally treat diseases but do not solve the patients’ concerns,” he points out. Hence, the book targets individuals to understand their bodies and be aware of possible health risks.
Prevent and prosper
The 346-page book contains 21 stories. Each story is of individuals who have suffered from diseases, also reflected in millions of people. “For example, a person with good health suddenly develops BP issues. He is worried about why he has blood pressure even if he runs every day. That prompted me to make people aware of the possible diseases and illnesses they could get diagnosed with and how they can identify and prevent them,” he explains.
Before understanding your body and health, Dr Shiv suggests that every family make an inheritance tree of the illnesses and diseases in the family. “There are high chances that you get diseases or illnesses your parents have,” he notes.
While doing so, people will understand what type and which lane they fall under. “You are born into three types. One is the red lane, wherein your parents are unhealthy, so you are unhealthy. Two: yellow lane means parents are unhealthy, but you are healthy. And three: the green lane is where parents are healthy and you are healthy,” he elucidates.
Dr Shiv aims to convert those in red to yellow, those in yellow to green, and the ones in green to remain in green because every child has the right to be born healthy. For this transformation, humans can refer to the tried and tested life-saving and longevity tips mentioned in the book with 300 reference journals backing them.
Your body, your responsibility
The first tip towards transformation is to know your weight — the ideal weight of a man would be the height (in centimetres) minus a hundred and for women, height minus 105 because they have more fat genetically. For those whose parents have diabetes or blood pressure, the ideal weight, in that case, for men would be height minus 105 and for women, height minus 110.
Other pointers include energy in equivalent to energy out, getting seven hours of restorative sleep, staying slim and fit, and having the knowledge of what to eat when and how. “Start with a dessert plate and fill only 60 percent of your tummy. When none of these work, only then resort to medicine,” the doctor shares.
But indulging in self-medication can be harmful. “We can get used to it (self-medication) and harm our liver as all medicines go to the liver,” he says. To avoid this, he wishes the concept of a family doctor returns as he/she has known their patient since childhood. “Family doctors are required, so people don’t have to rush to specialists for small things. Also, they can prevent diseases by administering vaccinations,” he adds.
On a personal level, families can maintain a scoresheet. At the end of each week, the family should gather and the lady of the house can point out if others are eating healthy, on time, and exercising. “Simultaneously, doctors have to simplify science, and if they can give easy and baby solutions, not very strict solutions, people like to follow,” concludes Dr Shiv.
Dr Shiv Sarin’s latest bestseller book, ‘Own Your Body’, was launched on Saturday at the THANC Hospital Auditorium Chennai. Justice Sunder Mohan was the chief guest of the event. The guests of honour included Dr S Aravind, CMO/director, Projects, Aravind Eye Care System, and Dr Mohamed Rela, CMD, Dr. Rela Institute and Medical Centre. With a foreword by Dr CNR Rao, this book offers invaluable insights into maintaining lifelong health and well-being.