NEW DELHI: Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Friday said that strengthening the education system was the priority of the Delhi government and working in this direction it made the capital’s schools institutes of excellence and world-class standards. School teachers also worked hard to impart quality education to the children.
In his official address to annual day functions of schools in the city, Sisodia said, “There is no dearth of talent among the children studying in our schools. On the basis of their brilliant performance and determination, they are claiming top spots in every field. One day they will make India a top country in the world with their talent,” said Sisodia.
“With all this, the children got an opportunity to showcase their talent. Now, government schools which were infamous with the name of ‘tent schools’ are now famous as talent schools,” he said. Their teachers also worked hard to provide quality education to the children. “With all this, the children got an opportunity to showcase their talent. Now government schools which were infamous with the name of ‘tent schools’ are now famous as ‘talent schools’,” he said.
“Until eight years ago, parents used to send their children to government schools due to helplessness and financial constraints. But now they feel pride in sending their children to our schools. In the past eight years, excellent work has been done in the field of infrastructure, teacher training and quality education in Delhi government schools,” the Deputy CM said. Sisodia said that this has increased the confidence of the parents in government schools. Parents are now realising that their children’s future is secure in city government schools. “This is the reason that in the last few years, a large number of children from private schools have enrolled in government schools,” he said.
“Our goal should not be limited to its quality against private schools. Our aim should be that all the schools in the country become so excellent and the level of education in them should be such that they are counted among the top schools in the world,” the Dy CM further added.