NEW DELHI: A 28-year-old man entered the Delhi Police’s cyber unit in Shahdara on Wednesday and went on a stabbing spree. The assailant attacked four to five policemen before he was finally apprehended by the police, the police officers said. The police said that the incident took place on the third floor of the station. According to police officers, five policemen and one home guard were injured in the stabbing. One injured constable was admitted to AIIMS’ trauma centre as he had received a severe injury on his chest. He was later said to be stable. Other injured personnel were admitted to GTB Hospital for necessary treatment.
Senior police officers rushed to Shahdara Cyber Police station as they heard about the stabbing incident. DCP, Shahadra, R Sathya Sundram said that the accused walked in and went up to the third floor. “He was recording video and speaking loud when a staffer asked him to stop and questioned him on why he was making a video. The accused got agitated on being questioned and pulled out a knife, with which he stabbed a head constable. At the moment, another constable rushed to stop the accused, but he too was stabbed in the abdomen,” said Sundram.
He added that after stabbing the two constables, the accused, still holding the knife, tried to escape through the stairs when he was again stopped by a home guard and a constable. “The accused then attacked them and went to the second floor where he attacked more police personnel on the way. He then took the stairs and was trying to escape when a home guard and policeman spotted him with a knife and stopped him. He allegedly attacked them and went to the second floor. On the second floor, he again attacked two more policemen.
Sundram identified the attacker as 28-years-old Bharat Bhati. The accused said that he was a complainant and the police officers on duty were not registering his complaint. The refusal made him angry and he attacked the police officers.