NEW DELHI: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday said that the MCD schools will be transformed on the lines of Delhi government schools. The statement to this effect was made by the CM during a review of the MCD’s education system where he emphasised the need for a significant overhaul of the MCD’s education system, similar to what was done in Delhi government schools.
As per the report, the CM asked MCD officials to scale up the infrastructure of schools up to world-class levels in the next few years. The CM also asked MCD officials to deploy estate managers, IT assistants and security guards in all schools.
The civic body officials informed that there are a total of 1,578 MCD schools in the state which cater to 8.76 lakh children. Of these, 342 schools run in double shifts. Of the total 1185 sites on which the agency runs its schools, 126 do not function out of pucca buildings, and around 200 need repairs.
During the meeting, several shortcomings like the absence of guards, poor sanitation including improper toilets, lack of cleanliness, overburdened teachers-principal and lack of non-educational staff were identified, among others.
The CM reportedly highlighted the need to motivate MCD teachers and principals and send them on proper training, similar to Delhi government teachers. The CM said that focusing on enhancing the quality of education, including infrastructure, teacher training, and student welfare will radically aid the corporation schools.