NEW DELHI: Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj on Tuesday said there is a shortage of nearly 30 per cent of doctors and specialists at many hospitals, but no efforts have been made to fill these critical vacancies despite repeated requests to the lieutenant governor.
He said excuses such as the unavailability of the chief minister and the lack of an NCCSA meeting are being cited by the LG’s office to delay appointment for these positions.
There was no immediate reaction from the office of LG V K Saxena.
“We have requested that warnings and awareness announcements be made across all metro stations, bus stations and other public transport hubs to inform people about dengue prevention,” the minister said. “I have directed the health secretary to visit one government hospital each day to check that all necessary dengue-related equipment is available. However, I’m uncertain if these visits have commenced. If not, I will personally visit the hospitals and ensure compliance,” the AAP minister said.
The minister further said that he had held a meeting with the health secretary and other officials on Friday, where he pointed out that his previous directions have still not been implemented. “I have urged schools to instruct students to wear full-sleeve clothing as a protective measure against mosquito bites. but I am not sure whether this directive is being effectively followed,” he added.
The health minister also accused the LG’s office of spreading false rumours and deliberately obstructing the recruitment process in Delhi government hospitals.“Despite multiple letters sent to the LG, highlighting that nearly 30 per cent of doctor and specialist positions remain vacant” he said.