NEW DELHI: The Delhi High Court on Friday rejected an interim bail plea filed by OMA Salam, Chairman of the Popular Front of India (PFI), who sought release following the recent death of his daughter. A division bench comprising Justice Prathiba M Singh and Justice Amit Sharma dismissed the plea, citing concern that Salam’s influence could potentially sway witnesses.
“Granting bail could impact witness testimonies... this case does not merit interim bail,” the court held.
Previously, Salam’s request for interim bail had also been turned down by the trial court.
Arrested by the National Investigation Agency during a crackdown on the banned organization in 2022, Salam has been charged under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.
Allegations against him include orchestrating a conspiracy within PFI to raise funds for terrorism and organizing training camps for indoctrination.
Salam’s lawyer argued that he should be allowed to support his grieving family; however, the court said the risk of influencing ongoing trial outweighed personal circumstances.