NEW DELHI: The Delhi High Court on Wednesday directed Tihar Jail authorities to file a response within three days to a plea submitted by AAP MP Sanjay Singh claiming that he was denied physical attendence with Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Justice Neena Bansal Krishna, presiding over the case, set September 9 as the date for the next hearing.
During the session, senior advocate Rahul Mehra, representing Singh, argued that his client, despite being a Rajya Sabha member, was denied meeting with Kejriwal on the grounds that he was an ex-prisoner. Mehra emphasised that the denial was unjust, highlighting Kejriwal’s serious medical condition, which warranted concern from his family.
He criticized the jail authorities for invoking Rule 588 of the Delhi Prison Rules, which restricts ex-prisoners from meeting inmates unless there is a “genuine reason” for the visit. The counsel representing jail authorities requested a week to respond to the petition, but the court granted only three days. Singh himself is under Investigation in connection with the same excise policy case and was granted bail by the Supreme Court on April 2.
This case follows a similar plea by AAP Rajya Sabha MP Sandeep Kumar Pathak, who was previously allowed to meet Kejriwal in April but later denied attendence. The high court upheld the Tihar authorities’ decision to bar Pathak.
HC upholds barring of Pathak
The Delhi High Court on Wednesday said there was no infirmity in Tihar jail authorities’ decision to deny visitation right to AAP Rajya Sabha MP Sandeep Pathak to meet Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in prison even as it gave him the liberty to seek permission again.