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The first impression is the last impression, especially in the hiring world. So your resume must stand out in those 20-30 seconds your prospective employers might devote to it. Here are four online services that might help you on that front:


This free online resume builder, formats and converts your resume into a PDF format. Built by Bharani M, a Delhi-based designer and developer, in April, resumonk lets you concentrate on content without letting you worry about the design part (which it takes care of). So once it develops your professional resume, a link is created that can be used to share it via e-mail, Facebook and Twitter. Details:

Get set resumes

For those who find it difficult to write a sharp and to-the-point resume, this online service might help. Built by Rajat Vashishta, get set resumes offers writing aids for resume, statement of purpose, cover letter, follow up letters and also selects 15-20 relevant groups for the candidates. It has also developed LinkedIn Profile Development (which creates LinkedIn profiles), mock teleinterviews and first level screening of candidates. Details:

Infinity resume builder

This easy-touse iPhone app formats your resume, ensuring it has the right layout with all the required information. Packed with features like audio advice, writing help, job hunting tips and Twitter options, the app promises to create a resume that will make you stand out from the crowd. Price: $0.99. Details:

Pocket resume

This app builds your resume based on your LinkedIn profile. You can upload your resume to a Dropbox account. You can also tailor it for specific jobs. Price: $2.99. Details: com,

The New Indian Express