Affecting change

For 16 year-old Akhila Kovvuri, the dream is to arm as many as underprivileged children as possible with education instead of a chai stand or a mop.

For 16 year-old Akhila Kovvuri, the dream is to arm as many as underprivileged children as possible with education instead of a chai stand or a mop. “Growing up, I witnessed many children belonging to poor backgrounds who did not go to school or receive any kind of education. Hence, I started teaching my maid’s grandchildren two years ago and soon their friends also joined in,” said the class 12 student of Hyderabad Public School.

Her home project soon turned into something bigger -- Akhila launched Ignitae, a project to educate and create a passion for learning in children. “I started the project because I felt that education can help empower these children and prevent them from getting influenced by harmful factors,” asserted the youngster.

She started teaching class five students at the Gati Government school a month ago and the conditions there pushed her to try and do more for the school. “The teachers rarely come to class and the school has classes till grade 10 but I have seen only five teachers so far. Also, classes don’t have electricity, only the headmaster’s room has electricity,” she shared.

Facing such conditions, the teenager has begun using interactive and fun methods to teach kids. “I like integrating art, moral stories, scientific experiments and Youtube videos with education; it grabs their attention and gets them interested,” she said with an air confidence. At home she teaches the basics of English language, the alphabet, simple words, conversing in English and adds to the subjects being taught in school using different methods.

As for her message to the public, she said, “There are many ways in which people can contribute, it can be anything from teaching English to domestic help to explaining first-aid to watchmen or drivers. Donating books and study material to underprivileged kids and schools is also of huge help,” she added. She believes that charity begins at home and that one can start by educating and empowering their house help, drivers, watchmen and gardeners and this will ultimately contribute towards changing society.

A finalist of the South Asian Horlicks WizTeam competition, Akhila is hoping to win so that she can further her project. “I want to win the competition so that I can start a trust fund that gives money to poor families. That way they can send their children to school,” said the young girl.

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The New Indian Express