Yoga in Disguise

HYDERABAD: International Yoga Day was celebrated recently. Though many of us pledged to join a yoga class or practice yoga regularly, only a few could keep the promise. But did you know that there are a few yogic exercises that we end up doing unknowingly? City Express lists a few

Savasana or Corpse Pose

This is something that all of us love doing – sleeping like a dead. Every night when you lay on bed with your hands to your side, you perform Savasana. Yogis use this pose to relax themselves after strenuous workout. It is intended to rejuvenate body, mind, and spirit.

Tadasana or Mountain Pose

After waking up in the morning, does you body feel tight? Do you end up stretching your body from head to toe to feel relieved? That is when you unknowingly performed Tadasana. The asana strengthens the abdomen and the legs.

Sirshasana or Headstand

Kids love doing this and many adults would also be able to recollect their childhood memories when they enjoyed lifting their legs up and watching the world upside down. The is called Sirshasana. The asana which is nicknamed as king of all the asanas increases the flow of blood to the brain, improves memory and other functions of the cerebrum.

Padahastasana or Hand Under Foot Pose

You found something lying down on the floor and decided to pick it up. The stretching you did while bending you body and clearing that mess is called Padahastasana. The pose stretches the entire back of the body from the head to the heels.

Upavesasana or Squat Sitting Down Pose

Many of us have recently started using the western-style toilets. But if you ever decide to use Indian-style one or are forced to do it when you go out of home, you unknowingly stretch your ankles, groins and back. The pose is called Upavesasana. Sitting in that position regularly, even in your drawing room, can also tone your belly and make you look slim.

Shishuasana or Child pose

Your mom is asking you to wake up but you want to sleep for another five minutes. You pulled your body up but still wanted to rest your head on the pillow. The pose is called Shishuasana. By sleeping in that position for at least a minute, you can calm down your nervous system, relax your back and also relieve yourself of constipation.

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