Say Good Bye To Wrinkles and Lines With Facercise

HYDERABAD: Facercise is a derivative from face and exercise. My journey to face exercise or Facercise began 10 years ago when I was around 25 years old. During that time a lot of people told me that I look like a 30-year-old. This was a serious setback to my confidence.

Due to my emotional stress about ageing faster my teacher shared the technique of  Facercise to look young naturally. Since then, on the basis  my own review and the feedback from friends and family, I am regressing with age.

Facercise consists of only 13 facial  exercises which once learned are simple to perform, can be done anytime of the day, before or after meal and takes only 15 minutes to be performed. The icing on the cake is facercise starts showing results within 15  Days.

How does it work?

Our faces consist of around 57 muscles. Simply put, as we age due to reduced metabolism and several factors our muscles starts shrinking while skin is the organ which keeps growing throughout our life. As a result while the muscles are shrinking, the growing skin attached to the muscles starts forming folds known as wrinkles.

Doing facercise regularly like any good physical exercise, improves blood flow to the facial cells, pumps up our facial muscles and thus stretches the attached facial skin giving it an ironing effect. This in turn, means good bye to wrinkles and deep lines.

Through facercise a person can address variety of facial issues whether it’s smiling lines, double chin, thin narrow face or a wide face or sagging cheeks, forehead lines, drooping eyes. Improved blood circulation also helps is addressing dark circles and makes you look more radiant and vibrant.

Along with these facial exercises, I also lay equal emphasis on learning to accept and love ourselves. This helps us to love and appreciate ourselves and to acknowledge and support the physical change you will be experiencing during the facercise. The idea is not only to look young but also to feel good too.

If you give yourself facercise you don’t have anything to loose -- in fact you will explore opening a door of youthfulness.

We all will grow older with time but we don’t have to look older.

(The author is a founder of Meghavi Spa, Salon & O Café)

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