Burn calories,earn good vibes

They joined Impact team in January and participants have donated `10,000 using this app, to be direct towards children living in the slum colonies.
Burn calories,earn good vibes

HYDERABAD: Did you know that you can now burn calories and gain piety? Friends Being A Helping Hands, or FHHHS, a non-profit in Hyderabad, joined team I m p a c t , a fitness+kindness mobile app where every step walked or jogged raises money for a social cause. The user’s workouts are sponsored by companies through their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and the money goes directly to the partnered NGOs. “Anyone between the age 15-80 years can use this for workout daily and get paid. This is a sponsored app which will raise the money through the number of calories you burn when you walk or run,” explains FHHHS founder Vikhil Prabha.

They joined Impact team in January and participants have donated `10,000 using this app, to be direct towards children living in the slum colonies. “The badge and streak features are nice add-ons to motivate us to walk daily. Your steps will provide pre-school education to children through e-learning and smart kits. “As a part of Covid-19 , from the day one of lock down we donated Rice & groceries for 11000+ families & coming to Zero hunger we served 15000+ members in this Quarantine time,” say co- founders Nadeem and Anish.

The team from the five-yearold organisation said that they started with three and today have 3,000 registered volunteers across India and work in Hyderabad, Warangal, Guntur and Pune. They believe they have impacted 1,00000 students in the part of quality education and that their tie ups with Vedanta foundation, RBL bank and other corporates has helped them to take it further.

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