Trade union stir will not hit Hyderabad’s transport services

The Telangana State Road Transport Corporation workers who had been on nearly two months strike last year have given no formal call for joining the strike.
TSRTC buses (File photo | EPS)
TSRTC buses (File photo | EPS)

HYDERABAD: The general strike on Wednesday called by various trade unions across the country is unlikely to have an impact on transport services in the city. All major transport services are likely to operate as usual, though the unions to which the employees are part of, have in principle supported the strike.

The Telangana State Road Transport Corporation workers who had been on nearly two months strike last year have given no formal call for joining the strike. Similarly, the auto drivers associations and unions have also not stated any specific disruption of services.

As for the Indian Federation of app-based transport workers which is a union of cab aggregators in the city, they have stated their solidarity with the nationwide general strike and said they will keep off the roads. However, it is learnt that the withdrawal of services would be only for a few hours and not for the entire day.

Apart from this, trucks and cargo service providers, have lent their support to the strike, but there is going to be no blanket stoppage of services in the State. Meanwhile six unions of banks are participating in the all-India strike to protest against the government’s "anti-people" policies. Government and private schools and colleges would function normally.

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The New Indian Express