Green Christmas 

At a time when the planet is deteriorating and resources are depleting, one can’t ignore the huge damage decor waste can do to the environment.
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HYDERABAD:  We all heard someone say or felt it ourselves, that it does not feel Christmas-y yet until the home’s decorated, the trees are decked, the star’s put up, and little fairy lights turned on in the dark!

At a time when the planet is deteriorating and resources are depleting, one can’t ignore the huge damage decor waste can do to the environment. Sustainable decor is the way to go this Christmas — it’s cost-effective and keeps you from shelling out big bucks on buying them every year.

Bakhita Francis, founder of Blief, a Hyderabad-based eco-friendly label, has got you covered with tips and tricks to deck your homes green!

Christmas trees that can be re-purposed over the years

Buying a new tree every year can get heavy on the pocket, given the amount of food and clothes’ shopping that’s got to be done during the season. The amount of waste piling up after New Year celebrations does serious damage to the planet. Invest in trees that can be re-purposed. For example, buy foldable ones that can be stored and reused every year. You can also donate your tree, instead of discarding it, after the festive season ends. 

Party foil backdrops

In recent years, party foil backdrops have been a big hit. They’re being used for birthdays, anniversary celebrations and home parties. Now, instead of buying something fancy, pull out their backdrops and re-purpose them for your next Christmas party. 

Reuse Christmas cards as decor

You probably watched the hilarious Mr Bean - Christmas episode where he uses greeting cards as part of his decor. Instead of buying new ones like him, use old ones and make a wall out of them. They make for an interesting conversation starter too. 

Polaroid pictures as tree ornaments

Not only are most Christmas trees plastic, the ornaments used to decorate them are plastic too. Instead of using these, put up polaroid pictures of your family and dogs on the tree as ornaments. It adds that beautiful personal touch to your decor. 

Transfer the fairy lights from your room to your garden 

In the day and age of Instagram aesthetics, most of us have fairy lights in the cosy corners of our rooms. Get them out, put them up on your little plants in your garden or your Christmas tree in your living room. 

Old clothing for buntings, embellishments 

You can use cloth from old sarees or curtain/tablecloth fabrics to make cute little buntings and Christmas embellishments to put up on your tree. You can also use old stockings with new motifs on them too. 

— Compiled by Rachel Dammala

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