HYDERABAD: Rachakonda Cyber Crime sleuths arrested three Nepali citizens reportedly involved in Rs 86 lakh investment fraud and recovered Rs 1 lakh in cash.
Rachakonda Police Commissioner Mahesh Bhagwat said, “The three accused Gopal Sherpa, Sushil Gurung and Nima Tamang were running a call centre under the guidance of the kingpin Dipu Mondal who is currently absconding. He provided the three with fake Aadhar cards to reside in India and used the same cards to procure SIM cards and bank accounts. The three were procuring OTPs from the gullible and were transferring the acquired money to various fictitious bank accounts for which they were paid Rs 15,000 per month.”
The police detected that they siphoned the money to China through cryptocurrency exchanges. The police froze bank accounts of the arrested persons having Rs 15 lakh. Acting over a complaint received in October by a victim, the sleuths launched an operation. The police, during the probe, learnt that the gang arrived in the city to set up a fake call centre.