HYDERABAD: While men are commonly thought to be the ones cheating on their wives after the latter gives birth, a new study assessing women infidelity dynamics has revealed that it’s in fact the modern-age moms who are much more likely to give in easily to temptations and start searching for a prospective lover when their husbands are no longer able to fulfill their expectations.
The said study, commissioned by Gleeden – the first portal designed by women for extramarital encounters which has touched a user base of over 10 lakhs users in India – found out that about 48 per cent of Indian women who ventured into extra-marital sexual dalliance are mothers, who have now become wary of their partner’s incapability to sexually gratify them.
As per the data, the women surveyed are in the age bracket of 30 to 60 years. They are well-educated (78 per cent) and well-placed professionally (74 per cent). Economic independence gives them a positive outlook towards life in general and towards themselves which they don’t want to waste in drudgery and dullness. Hence, they seek excitement and thrill.
Quite interestingly, almost 76 per cent rate themselves high in terms of physical appearance and believe their spouses to be less attractive as compared to them. About 64 per cent claimed sexual dissatisfaction due to the complete absence of intercourse in their marital relationship (60 per cent) and disregard of their sexual pleasure from their partners (59 per cent).
Modern Moms Want It All
No longer happy existing as merely a drab asexual prop within the households, these modern Indian mothers are detesting being treated as a showpiece kept in the bedroom or being shoved into the role of a caretaker for their child and spouse both, with hardly any attention being paid to her own emotional and physical needs.
They seek lust and intimacy equally, and long to be touched and tantalised. On top of that, the guilt and the emotional baggage that earlier would hold women down when it came to casual sex, paid sex, or cybersex is gradually disappearing as now we live in an age of instantaneous hook-ups, or the quintessential no-strings-attached flings, that are mostly forged in the digital space only.