HYDERABAD: Drug addict-turned-peddler Laxmipathy, who is said to be supplying drugs to students, has reportedly been arrested by the Hyderabad Narcotics Enforcement Wing on Tuesday.
According to sources, Laxmipathy procures narcotics like ganja and hashish oil, and he does not deal in psychotropic substances. Laxmipathy was taken into custody based on information provided by another addict-turned-peddler Prem Upadhyay, who was recently arrested by Nallakunta police.
Laxmipathy, who reportedly got addicted to drugs when he was a student, procures drugs in bulk from his yet-to-be identified contacts and sells them in the city. Laxmipathy is also believed to have supplied narcotic drugs to a BTech student, who died recently due to an overdose of a cocktail of drugs.