HYDERABAD: Officials from the Hyderabad-Narcotics Enforcement Wing (H-NEW), in collaboration with Habeebnagar police, raided Mangar Basti on November 4 to apprehend a man named Chakradhari for illegal sale of Nitravet tablets.
On Friday, two smugglers from Karnataka were apprehended in connection to the case. These tablets contain Nitrazepam, a hypnotic that is used to treat insomnia.
After receiving multiple reports, officials traced the illicit drug supply chain originating from Mangar Basti in Habeebnagar, orchestrated by Chakradhari. A probe revealed that two offenders, Birju Upadhay and Kishan Vittal Rao Kamble, hailing from Karnataka, were responsible for supplying Nitravet tablets to Chakradhari.
City Commissioner of Police Sandeep Shandiliya said, “For the last 14 years, Chakradhari and his family members have been supplying Nitravet tablets to various peddlers in Hyderabad, Bidar, and Gulbarga with the help of his associates Kishan and Birju.” Police apprehended the duo from Karnataka on Friday and are actively pursuing six more people connected to the drug supply chain.