HYDERABAD: Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) on Tuesday revised the schedule for admission into law courses offered by various universities in the state. The council has extended the date for Phase-I counseling of Common Entrance Tests of degree and PG admissions (TS LAWCET and TS PGLCET) to November 23.
Candidates who did not register and upload the certificates till now are required to register and submit the scanned copies of relevant original certificates to enable them to exercise web options and participate in the Phase-I of counseling.
Those who have already registered and got the certificates successfully verified can directly exercise the web options as per the schedule. The notification was issued on November 11. Whereas, payment of registration fee online along with uploading scanned copies of certificates for verification started from November 14, extended to November 23 now.
List of verified candidates will be displayed on November 24 and web options will be exercised between November 25 to 27. The college wise list of Provisionally selected candidates will be displayed on the website on November 30, the class work will commence from December 4.