HYDERABAD: The Telangana High Court has directed the authorities to record the statement of a visually challenged girl, who was allegedly raped at a hostel for visually challenged girls in July, at her home in Vikarabad instead of asking her to travel to Hyderabad for the purpose. The order was issued on Monday by Justice B Vijaysen Reddy in response to a plea filed by the victim’s mother, who sought to prevent further trauma to her daughter.
The tragic incident, which occurred in July, led to the filing of an FIR on July 16 against the accused, a bathroom attendant at the hostel. The investigating officer had summoned the young girl to travel to Hyderabad to record her statement before a magistrate.
Justice Vijaysen Reddy, acknowledging the sensitivity of the situation, directed the investigating officer to request the nearest magistrate to record the victim’s statement at her home. The court further instructed that a report be filed within two weeks in this regard.