HYDERABAD: With the Ganesh Chaturthi to be celebrated from September 7 to 17, Commissioner of Police K Sreenivasa Reddy on Sunday has announced several regulatory measures to ensure public order and safety during the festivities.
The regulations include, under the Hyderabad City Police Act and the Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS), all organisers must secure prior police clearance for idol installation in public places.
The clearance can be obtained from the divisional assistant commissioners of police. Organisers are required to submit a Form of Intimation for the idol installations and immersion processions.
Forms are available on the Hyderabad City Police website, www.hyderabadpolice.gov.in and www.policeportal.tspolice.gov.in. The applications must be submitted by September 6, said K Sreenivasa.
The organisers are advised to adhere to the guidelines to facilitate a safe and orderly celebration.