One for serial plant killers

Insert leaf cuttings into the wet sponge, which holds moisture effectively without causing rot.
One for serial plant killers
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1 min read

HYDERABAD: The ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is a dream come true for those who struggle to keep plants alive. Hardy, low-maintenance, and nearly indestructible, it thrives with minimal care, making it perfect for beginners and busy plant owners.

Suitable conditions for good growth

Sunlight: Low to medium light; avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf damage.

Water: Water sparingly, letting the soil dry out completely between watering. Overwatering is the only real way to harm it.

Soil: Use a succulent soil mix that ensures quick drainage.

Temperature: Thrives in medium temperatures (18-26°C); keep it away from frost.

Fertiliser: Rarely needs feeding; fertilise just 1-2 times a year during growth periods.

Common variety

Green ZZ Plant: The classic, glossy green version.

Raven ZZ Plant: The black-leaved cultivar for a dramatic look.

Common issues

Yellow leaves: Almost always caused by overwatering. Check soil drainage and let it dry out between watering.


The easiest method is divide-and-grow during repotting. For a slower option, propagate through stem cuttings in water.

Super tip

Use a bouquet sponge for propagation. Insert leaf cuttings into the wet sponge, which holds moisture effectively without causing rot. Re-wet once a fortnight for best results.

If you’ve struggled with plants before, the ZZ plant is your ultimate chance at redemption. Its ability to thrive on neglect makes it the perfect companion for even the most forgetful plant parents.

Ekta Chaudhary

An author and founder of Garden Up, a company dedicated to greenifying spaces, Ekta is a trusted voice in the gardening community

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