HYDERABAD: After dressing some of the world’s most iconic celebrities, from Beyoncé to Kim Kardashian and from Priyanka Chopra to Deepika Padukone, Falguni Shane Peacock, synonymous with luxury, glamour, and innovation in the Indian fashion industry, has taken on a new challenge. The renowned couturiers have collaborated with Swadesh, a brand that champions Indian craftsmanship, helmed by Nita Ambani, the chairperson of Reliance Foundation. This exclusive showcase was recently launched at Swadesh’s flagship store in Jubilee Hills. Not only does this collaboration extend the couture showcased at India Couture Week but it also marks the 20th anniversary of Falguni Shane Peacock, celebrating a fusion of traditional Indian craftsmanship with haute couture.
Falguni Shane Peacock’s collaboration with Swadesh blends traditional techniques with cutting-edge fashion design. The collection features iconic Indian crafts such as Kanjeevaram silks, Chikankari embroidery, and Banarasi brocades, meticulously designed to reflect the ethos of both brands.
“We are excited to unveil this exclusive FSP monogram-laden edit, an extension of our Rang Mahal collection showcased at the India Couture Week 2024. For the first time, we’ve worked with treasured textiles of India and adorned them with motifs that draw inspiration from India’s rich heritage and culture. This limited-edition collection features bespoke sarees with intricate zari work,” says Falguni Peacock, co-founder of Falguni Shane Peacock.
Elaborating on how the collaboration came about, the designer duo explains, “It was so organic. We had just gone to meet Mrs Ambani while preparing for the India Couture Week show, which had an India-inspired theme. We thought, ‘Let’s do something with Swadesh because Swadesh is so India-inspired, promoting crafts, handlooms, and textiles.’ We shared this idea with Mrs Ambani, and it just happened naturally. We created some amazing Chikankari pieces and a whole range of beautiful Indian textiles.”
Speaking about the conceptualisation of the capsule edit, they say, “When you talk about Indian crafts and textiles, they come with so many inherent designs — peacocks, lotuses. It’s about how we can reinterpret these designs in a different manner. We have created about 20 pieces featuring beautiful dupattas, full saree looks, Banarasi lehengas, and even men’s sherwanis. We’ve approached this in a very modern way, showing how textiles can be dressed up, dressed down, and worn as an entire look. People often have a different perception of textiles, but we feel it’s the root and main centerpiece of every design.”
Pradeep Ramchandran, business head of Swadesh, adds, “The pieces have turned out exceptionally well. It’s been an amazing journey. This collaboration has brought together traditions and modernity to create something unique. The Indian craftsmen from Swadesh and the design intervention by Falguni Shane Peacock have elevated the products to a whole new level.”
Interestingly, Falguni Shane Peacock had launched their flagship store in Hyderabad in 2022, and with this launch, things have come full circle. “Hyderabad is an amazing market, very receptive to Indian crafts and modern in its approach,” they note. On the experience of merging Falguni Shane Peacock’s eclectic mix of luxury and contemporary designs with Swadesh’s traditional art, they explain, “This is the first time we are working with detailed textiles, and there couldn’t have been a better partner than Swadesh for this initiative. The whole team worked hard with us, helping us understand the intricate details.
A beautiful saree done by artisans required a lot of work with real zari, and when you’re talking about arts and crafts, it’s all done by hand — it’s a labour of love. It took us around two and a half months to complete the collection. The behind-the-scenes work is substantial and we are very excited because we are now launching a more ready-to-wear line with Swadesh, making it more accessible to everyone. I can’t tell you how much I love wearing sarees (laughs Falguni); I was genuinely excited when we got this done. We learned a lot and now feel like kids in a candy store, eager to work more with textiles.”
On the future of fashion, they share, “I think the world has woken up to India — not only in textiles and crafts but also in how many Indian designers are now showcasing internationally, bridging the gap. So, it’s no longer just about being an Indian designer; it’s about being an international designer. Social media has made everyone more aware; everyone wants to dress well and choose their own colours. Fashion is on the cusp of something bigger, with much more to come.”
The couturiers also announced upcoming store launches in Delhi. “We already have two stores in Delhi, one in Emporio and one in Ambawatta One. We’re launching a store in Dhanmel, and in Ambawatta One, we are expanding by adding a floor. We also have a store coming up in Jio World Plaza, Mumbai, and are planning a couple of international shows,” sums up the designer duo.