HYDERABAD: The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) issued 14,043 building permissions in 2024, generating Rs 815.76 crore revenue.
According to officials, 10,176 of these permits were issued under instant registration approval and 3,867 under the single window approval system.
Building permissions and occupancy certificates were issued through the Telangana State Building Permission Approval and Self Certification System (TG-bPASS) application, they added.
During the past year, about 90 junction improvements were proposed at an estimated cost of Rs 233 crore with an aim to reduce traffic congestion in the limits of three police commissionerates.
In Hyderabad police commissionerate limits, 29 junction improvements have been proposed at an estimated cost of Rs 68 crore, and 24 have been approved and five are under approval stage.
In Cyberabad police commissionerate limits, 25 junction improvements have been proposed at an estimated cost of Rs 79 crore, and 21 have been approved and four are under approval stage.
Similarly, in Rachakonda police commissionerate limits, 36 junction improvements have been proposed at an estimated cost of Rs 86 crore, and 29 have been approved while seven are under approval stage.