KOCHI: It was a moment of overwhelming emotions when Mata Amritanandamayi paid a visit to the tsunami-affected areas in Tokyo. Many people from the tsunami-affected areas came to seek solace and guidance from her. They expressed their concerns over radiation threats and were apprehensive about the safety of their children and the coming generations.
They wanted to know whether the radiation and continuing natural calamities will haunt Japan’s posterity. Mata Amritanandamayi visited the disaster area and a relief camp there. A large group of local devotees accompanied her to the place.
From there she left for one of the relief camps in Tagajo Sports Complex, 500 kms away from Tokyo City, which was recently converted into a relief centre for the displaced members of the community. She undertook a tour of the complex and saw the cardboard cubicles set up to house 200 residents. Addressing the residents, she said: “You have just been through painful experiences and you are yet to come out of the shock. There are certain situations in life where you cannot do anything but accept them.” Mata Amritanandamayi also visited the tsunami-hit areas of Shichigahama coastal area.