India Tourism Regional Director Sanjay Sreevats at the Tourists Guides Federation of India Annual Convention held in Kochi on Wednesday | Express
India Tourism Regional Director Sanjay Sreevats at the Tourists Guides Federation of India Annual Convention held in Kochi on Wednesday | Express

‘Tourist guides of Kochi should upgrade to face challenges’

 Regional director of India Tourism Sanjay Shrivats on Wednesday said tourist guides should upgrade themselves to stand up to challenges as technological advancements provide tourists instant informat
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KOCHI: Regional director of India Tourism Sanjay Shrivats on Wednesday said tourist guides should upgrade themselves to stand up to challenges as technological advancements provide tourists instant information on any destination.“Guides are the eyes and ears of tourism. They are the ambassadors of Indian tourism as through them, tourists get an impression about India and its culture. Since technological advancements now give tourists free access to knowledge, it is important the guides upgrade themselves,” Shrivats said after inaugurating the 20th annual convention of the Tourist Guides’ Federation of India (TGFI).

Over 200 guides from TGFI’s 13 regional units functioning across the country have congregated here for the annual convention. They will move to Kumarakom where the rest of the sessions will be held on Thursday and Friday.TGFI president Narendra Singh Rathore said more than 3,000 tourist guides were working at regional level in India. Jose Dominic, managing director and CEO of CGH Earth Group said the era was of responsible tourism. Sejoe Jose of Marvel Tours and Travel, TGFI general secretary Ajay Singh, TGFI South India chapter head Charles and Subhash Goyal spoke.

The New Indian Express