H1N1 cases on the rise in Kerala

The preventive measures include covering nose and mouth while coughing and sneezing, thorough hand wash, avoiding self-medication and isolated care for affected.
Image for representational purpose only.
Image for representational purpose only.

KOCHI: As many as six H1N1 deaths were reported in the district during the last three months. With 54 cases being reported with confirmed H1N1 fever in the district since its detection in October, the Health Department is on a high alert in the district. 

Pregnant women, infants, aged people, people deficient in immunity, those suffering from surgical illness and those on long-term medication are more susceptible to the virus. Among the six dead, three were children below the age of 10, the rest being adults who suffered from diabetes and hypertension.  

"There has been a steady increase in the number of infected cases since September. The disease is now fast growing as the density of population has increased and the chances for influenza to spread is at its peak. This is mainly because people having the initial symptoms tend to neglect it and get exposed to the public in a large measure. The climate is also favourable for the disease to spread," said Dr S Sreedevi, Additional District Medical Officer. 

“The throat swab of suspected hospitalized H1N1 patients has been collected and sent to the Manipal Institute of Virology. Though it takes two days for the confirmation, the doctors, in most intensive cases, start the medication immediately,” said a doctor working with the General Hospital.

The symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body ache, and breathlessness. In children, the symptoms are drowsiness, high and persistent fever, convulsions, difficulty in breathing and worsening of the chronic conditions.

The preventive measures include covering nose and mouth while coughing and sneezing, thorough hand wash, avoiding self-medication and isolated care for affected.


The symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body ache, and breathlessness. In children, the symptoms are drowsiness, high and persistent fever, convulsions, difficulty in breathing and worsening of the chronic conditions. The preventive measures include covering nose and mouth while coughing and sneezing, thorough hand wash, avoiding  self-medication and isolated care for affected.

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