Guiding your body through Chakras

In the runup to International Yoga Day on June 21, TNIE brings you expert advice on yoga and a healthier lifestyle through a series of articles. 
The Chakras.
The Chakras.

KOCHI: In the runup to International Yoga Day on June 21, TNIE brings you expert advice on yoga and a healthier lifestyle through a series of articles. Continuing our topic on Chakras, we shall now be addressing individual Chakras and how to balance them

The sages had the clairvoyance to see and predict the imbalance in the Chakras. Over the years this ability was lost and hence we missed out this important aspect of healing. Thanks to the scientific discovery of Kirlian photography, we can now predict the manifestation of any disease almost six months prior to its appearance. This technology is now available at our Yoga studio.

Mooladhara or root chakra
Root chakra is the first Chakra, situated at the base of the spine. It is associated with the sense of smell and excretory organs. Earth is the element associated with this Chakra. It symbolizes stability and solidarity. This Chakra is the source of all energy - sexual, emotional, mental and spiritual. If consciousness is dominant at this Chakra one would be interested only in food, sleep and gross pleasures.

At the same time, if it is blocked, one suffers from anxiety, fear and nightmares. At physical level its imbalance affects the  colon, bladder, elimination process, lower back, legs and feet. To balance it one has to perform specific asanas while visualizing red color in the hips and legs. Chanting of the mantra LAM while meditating, helps in restoring the balance in this Chakra. Adopting Chin Mudra (lightly touching the tip of index finger with the thumb) while meditating augments balancing.

Asanas to activate Mooladhara Chakra

Tadasana Steps
■ Breathe in, and raise your toes gently to try and balance your body on your heels.
■ Stretch your shoulders, arms and chest upwards while your toes bear your body weight.
■ Feel the way your body stretches from the head to the feet. Hold this pose for a while visualizing red color at the base of your spine.

Uttanasan  Steps
■ Relax the body in ‘Mountain Pose’ taking a few deep breaths.
■ Exhale and move your torso forward from the hips, not the waist.
■ Continue to bend till your hands touch your feet.  
■  Stretch your hips and bend further (without straining the body).
■ Catch the elbows of opposite hands with the palms. Breathe normally and maintain the posture. Visualize red color at the base of the spine.

Prasarita Padahastasana

■  Stand erect with your feet 3 to 4 feet apart, balanced and firmly grounded.  
■  Inhale, lengthen the spine, stretch arms overhead. 
■  Exhale, bend forward from the hip joints, keeping the spine straight. 
■  Place hands on the floor, under the shoulders. Inhale, exhale with gentle deep breaths.  
■  Lifting the hips up, bend further as you breathe out to bring the head toward the floor in   between the hands. 
■  Breathing out, press your hands firmly on the floor to deepen the bend.  As you maintain the posture visualize red color at the base of the spine
■  Inhale; stretch the arms to the front and lift up slowly. Exhale; bring the arms to the sides. Gently bend one knee and come out of the asana.

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