Greet summer with citrus fruits

Summer is already knocking at our doors and it’s time to get ready to greet the heat.
Greet summer with citrus fruits

KOCHI: Summer is already knocking at our doors and it’s time to get ready to greet the heat. The hot harsh weather limits our daily intake of food to fresh fruits, green vegetables, juices, buttermilk, smoothies and much more. But this season is perfect to dwell into citrus fruits available in the market. Immerse yourself in the world of tangy, dash of sweet and sour citrus flavours. Citrus fruits are known to be rich in Vitamin C and plant compounds like potassium, which are essentially required by our body.

They are also packed with phytonutrients that act as antioxidants, including vitamin C, anthocyanins and polyphenols. Citrus fruits also assist with digestion, helping with digesting rich and fatty foods, making it easier on our stomach to bear the heat caused in the body from fatty food. Oranges: Our body tends to lose potassium through sweat, which in turn, leads to muscle cramps or disintegration. Oranges are known to be a great source of potassium, and thus are highly advisable to be taken during summers. Oranges are 80% water content, which helps in hydration and also nourishes the body. We recommend to carry oranges when you step out as they are easy to eat and can be carried without any hassle.

Grapefruits: Grapefruits are another known citrus fruit consumed during summer. Among all the citrus fruits known, Grapefruit has the highest concentration of vitamin C, which is an essential nutrient for the immune system and responsible for keeping the skin smooth and elastic. Vitamin C is also essential in the production of collagen in the skin which provides the summer glow making the skin nourished from inside.

Lemons: One of the most common citrus fruits available in the market and at most of our homes, lemons are used to make some of the most delicious summer drinks. Lemons contain a high amount of vitamin C, soluble fibre, and plant compounds that give them a number of health benefits. One can use it to make delicious lemonade, lime soda, lime popsicles and use them in all green salads throughout the summer.
These fruits are flexible and can be used in salads, juices, smoothies and drinks. They work wonders with other summer ingredients and make summer bearable for everyone. The author is junior nutritionist, RESET, Sadashivnagar

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