KOCHI: The police on Tuesday invoked the Kerala Anti-Social Activities (Prevention) Act (KAAPA) against a father-son duo involved in multiple criminal cases in Njarackal. The decision to invoke KAAPA was made by Ernakulam Range DIG Putta Vimaladitya following a report filed by Ernakulam Rural police chief Vaibhav Saxena.
Vinod, 52, of Perumbilly, Njarackal, and his son Vijith, 25, have been charged under this special law aimed at curbing goonda activities. The father-son duo has been implicated in a range of criminal offences, including attempted murder, assault, criminal trespassing, and making threats. The recent case was registered against the duo in March when they assaulted an individual in Njrackal.
As a result of the KAAPA invocation, Vinod has been prohibited from entering the district for six months, while Vijith has been instructed to report to Munnambam DySP every Sunday for a year. “Vinod has been involved in criminal cases since 2008, and the first case involving Vijith was reported in 2019. They have been known to threaten and assault individuals without any provocation,” said a police officer.