KOCHI: Supreme Court Judge Justice Bhushan Ramakrishna Gavai on Friday said that the judicial system is for litigants. He along with Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan was inaugurating nine new initiatives, including a digital court, at a function organised at Kerala High Court in Kochi. Justice Gavai is the son of R S Gavai who was the Governor of Kerala from 2008 to 2011.
According to Justice Gavai, the most important document is the Constitution of India. It is the Constitution of India that has promised social, economic and political justice to the citizens of India.
“The system is always for litigants. It is neither for judges or lawyers. All of us judges and lawyers work for the ultimate culmination of justice for the citizens of India,” he said.
He narrated his experience of adopting technology following the Covid lockdown. “Within 48 hours after lockdown was declared the Supreme Court started functioning virtually and I was part of the first bench that became operational. The three-member bench daily functioned for the first two months,” he said.
The nine new initiatives launched by Kerala High Court are – a 24x7 functioning virtual court for NI Act cases in Kollam, a We-Solve system for dispute resolution, a Learning Management System, Digital District Courts, Model Digital Court Room, Special Court of SC/ST cases in Kochi, Special Court for BUDS cases in Alappuzha, Security-cum-facilitation centre at Kerala High Court and CCTV surveillance system in the high court. Pinarayi Vijayan said that the adoption of technology in the judicial system would help in providing timely justice to the public.