KOCHI: Kerala is giving priority to enterprises that generate jobs for Malayalis, Industries Minister P Rajeeve has said. The minister was speaking after inaugurating the Kerala Foodtech Conclave 2024, organised by the Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation (KSIDC) under the aegis of the department of industries and commerce in Kochi on Monday.
“The state government is moving ahead, accepting the reality that Kerala does not have opportunities in the large-scale manufacturing industry. The government’s priority is to provide maximum employment opportunities to our people. That is why MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) in the food processing and technology sector are encouraged as much as possible,” he said.
The minister said the government’s policy was “responsible investment, responsible industry”, and the department takes suggestions from entrepreneurs and meets their needs.
“The industries department has devised many schemes and regulations to encourage industries. There should be awareness among entrepreneurs about this. The government has launched an MSME insurance scheme. Enterprises can select the scheme offered by any insurance company. The government will pay half the premium,” he said,
Rajeeve said the government has a serious approach towards conducting investor meetings focusing on the outcomes. The minister also said the Investors’ Meet planned in Kochi in February will be a promise that the projects will be implemented rather than statistics.
He pointed out that Kerala has exceeded the Centre’s target for micro-food processing units. While the target was 2,500, the state launched 2,548 units.