KOCHI: Noted Malayalam writer K L Mohana Varma joined BJP after accepting party membership from BJP State Vice President K S Radhakrishnan on Thursday. The BJP leaders visited him at his apartment in Kochi as part of the party’s national-level membership drive and handed over the membership. 87-year-old Mohana Varma has a decades-long literary career with 66 novels including two English novels on various subjects to his credit.
He was the Chief Editor of Paico publications, Secretary of Kerala Sahitya Academy and Chief Editor of Veekshanam Daily, the official mouthpiece of Congress in Kerala and Puzha.com, Malayalam's top internet magazine. He has lectured in many places including American universities.
He served as President of the Kerala History Association President of Kerala Sahityas Mandalam and ex-officio member of Government committees on official language and Malayalam missions.
BJP district in-charge and state spokesperson Narayanan Namboothiri. State spokesperson TP Sindhumol. District President K S Shaiju, District General Secretaries S Saji, V K Bhasith Kumar, District Vice President Ramadevi Thottungal, and Councillor Padmaja S Menon were also present.