KOCHI: “If any trouble or altercation arises, run away from the house immediately.” This was the advice the families of Venu and Dhanya, neighbours to Rithu Jayan, gave the children in their houses as the troubles created by him escalated.
That very advice saved the lives of Vinisha’s two daughters, who ran out of their home during the gruesome attack. Dhanya’s family also escaped the tragedy, simply because they weren’t home at the time.
“Dhanya and my mother were away on a tour, and I was late returning from work,” said Soumya, Dhanya’s sister, still in shock.
“These coincidences saved our lives. Otherwise, we too might have been among the victims.” She said the two families moved to their current homes around the same time.
“We became like family. It’s unbearable to think they are gone forever,” she said.
On the moments before the tragedy, Soumya explained, “As we learnt later, the children were playing on their mobile phones. When they heard the commotion, they ran out of the house.”
Reflecting on earlier incidents, she said Vinisha, Dhanya, and another neighbour had previously lodged complaints with the police about Rithu’s violent behaviour.
“The police detained him but released him after his father promised improved behaviour. However, the troubles only grew worse. Vinisha even filed another complaint, stressing that her husband was leaving for abroad, urging swift action. Instead of acting tough, the police advised them to install CCTV cameras and promised action only if the aggressive behaviour persisted. The family installed the cameras, but even that couldn’t save their lives,” Soumya said.
Dhanya said that Rithu’s parents left their house on the night of the murders, and no one knows where they went.
“They’ve never taken responsibility for his actions, and now they’ve vanished,” she said.