KOCHI: The Greater Cochin Development Authority (GCDA) has decided to establish the Clint Art Gallery in memory of young artist Edmund Thomas Clint. The 3,000-square-foot gallery is expected to be completed in six months.
The project is carried out utilising Rs 58 lakh from the plan fund of GCDA. The building complex at Kadavanthra, owned by the authority, will be converted into an art gallery.
“A Clint Memorial Art Gallery has been the dream of his relatives and art lovers for over 40 years. Around 30,000 paintings of Clint, which were with his mother Chinnamma, his belongings, and the awards he received will be exhibited at the art gallery,” said Chandran Pillai, the GCDA chairman. The construction work of the art gallery will begin next week.
The facility will be utilised to conduct painting workshops and camps. Also, a library will be set up at the centre.
“Clint was someone who loved to listen to stories. By setting up a library and reading space, we aim to make the gallery a perfect tribute to him,” he said.
The chairman added that an exhibition of paintings by young artists in the city will also be organised at the gallery. Young artist Clint, who created around 30,000 paintings in just seven years, passed away in 1983.