MUMBAI: Against the backdrop of some Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) staffers holding a protest outside NCP chief Sharad Pawar's home on Friday, the police asked their colleagues taking part in a sit-in stir at Azad Maidan in south Mumbai to vacate the area, officials said.
Mumbai police personnel used loudspeakers to ask protesting staffers to disperse immediately, announcing that the "time for protests was over".
While several of these staffers left the ground after a order on the stir by the Bombay High Court on Thursday, a group continues to take part in the sit-in protest, officials added.
However, they added that many of the protesters are not paying heed to police announcements and continued to shout slogans at Azad Maidan.
MSRTC staff have been agitating since November last year demanding that the corporation be merged with the state government, which would increase their pay and give greater job security.
The demand has been rejected by the state government.