THIUVANANTHAPURAM: A Vishu without 'Kani Konna' (Casia Fistula) is unimaginable for Malayalis. 'Konna', the non-replaceable element in 'Vishu Kani'- an assortment of the auspicious items first sighted on the Vishu day - bloomed in abundance this year. As per Hindu belief, the flower symbolises the power of devotion and is associated with Lord Krishna. This seasonal flower usually blooms during the month of April-May.
Nevertheless, this year the 'konna' began sprouting from March onwards. Botanic experts blame climatic changes for the irregular intervals. "The flower can be spotted across the city. The primary reason is the increase in temperature. Summer season and the humidity in the air resulted in the boom.
When the groundwater table fluctuates it disturbs the blooming cycle hence it sprouts in varying intervals. Air pollution is also one of the reasons for the seasonal flower to bloom early," said N Mohanan, head, Science and Ecology Department, Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode.