THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Setting the ball in motion for the urgent development of Vattiyoorkavu Junction, the government has issued a gazette notification. It has been issued for acquiring land for rehabilitating vendors, who will be evicted for the project.
The notification mentions the 0.943 hectares in Peroorkada village acquired for the project. Those who have any objections have been advised to inform the LA Special Tehsildar (General) at Kudappanakunnu civil station in 15 days. A social impact study has also been made available on ontrivandrum.nic.in.
The development project is being implemented in two phases with financial assistance from KIIFB. The development of Vattiyoorkavu Junction and the allied roads is under the Public Works Department (PWD). The Local Self-Government Department is in charge of the rehabilitation.
The special purpose vehicle for the project is the Kerala Road Fund Board (KRFB) and the Thiruvananthapuram Development Authority. The project also includes widening of the Sasthamangalam-Vattiyoorkavu-Peroorkada road and rehabilitation of those who lose their businesses as part of road development.
It is estimated that more than 570 businesses will be affected. “Rehabilitation has to be carried out in the case of more than 200 businesses. Three acres of property will be acquired for the purpose. Around `95 crore has been sanctioned to KRFB for acquiring the property for Vattiyoorkavu junction development and Rs 219.75 crore for road construction. Around Rs 27.04 crore has been sanctioned to TRIDA towards acquiring land for rehabilitation,” said the office of MLA V K Prasanth.
The total allocation comes to the tune of Rs 341.79 crore. Notification for Sasthamangalam to Mannarakonam Road will be issued soon.