THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: In an incident near Attingal on Tuesday night, a 55-year-old woman was bludgeoned to death with a sledgehammer, allegedly by her son-in-law. The deceased has been identified as Preetha, wife of Babu. The couple had recently moved to their rented apartment from their native place, Karichiyil, near Attingal.
Preetha was allegedly attacked by Anil, who is the husband of her elder daughter, Bindhya. Sources revealed that Anil and Bindhya had been involved in a bitter domestic feud, and divorce proceedings had been ongoing for the past four months. Fearing an attack from Anil, Bindhya had recently moved to another apartment near Pallippuram with her two children.
The incident occurred around 11 PM when Preetha was alone at home. Despite being rushed to the hospital, Preetha succumbed to her injuries.