THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Kattakkada police have arrested seven people in connection with the violent clashes that erupted on Monday night between suspected members of the Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) and Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) in Kattakkada and nearby areas. The arrests include five SDPI members and two DYFI workers.
The conflict reportedly began when DYFI members clashed with a man, Syed Ali, who is a known SDPI member and is wanted in a criminal case. The DYFI workers, who were the complainants in that case, spotted Syed Ali playing football in Kattakode and attempted to apprehend him. During the altercation, Syed Ali sustained injuries.
Syed Ali's friends then took him to Kattakkada Taluk Hospital for treatment. However, tensions escalated when a fracas allegedly broke out between SDPI members, Syed's friends, and DYFI members within the hospital compound. The confrontation soon spilled over onto the street, leading to an attack on the nearby CPM area committee office.
The SDPI members were arrested for trespassing into the CPM office and attempting to assault the CPM members present. Meanwhile, the DYFI workers were detained for attacking the SDPI members during the initial football match altercation.
Police sources confirmed that they are closely monitoring the situation to prevent any further violence. "The situation has now returned to normal," authorities stated.