Thiruvananthapuram: Smart road works, delayed pre-monsoon drive add to woes

In many of the corporation wards, the sanitation work is still progressing.
Chalai ward councillor Simi Jyothish said that many shops and houses were flooded following the rain on Saturday night.
Chalai ward councillor Simi Jyothish said that many shops and houses were flooded following the rain on Saturday night. Photo | Express

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Ineffective and delayed pre-monsoon drive, and incomplete smart road works have left the capital in shambles. The city corporation launched the pre-monsoon sanitation drive, crucial for combating flooding, only a few days back.

In many of the corporation wards, the sanitation work is still progressing. The Chalai area was one of the worst affected by waterlogging on Sunday. The ongoing smart city works in Chalai Market and Attakulangara-Killipalam area made things worse for residents and motorists.

Chalai ward councillor Simi Jyothish said that many shops and houses were flooded following the rain on Saturday night.

“They had closed the drainages to facilitate the construction activities. However, residents broke all those barriers this morning so that flood water recedes. The huge pits with protruding iron rods from the concrete are posing a huge threat to the people,” said Simi. She alleged that the corporation was yet to release funds for the pre-monsoon sanitation drive. The district collector has convened a special meeting on Tuesday with various departments to review the progress of various works and ensure coordination.

Meanwhile, the city corporation is planning to bring a ‘suction cum jetting machine’ to clear the clogged drains without manual assistance to resolve the flooding issue.

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