Ocean Seven: How a credit card gave away Vijayawada big gold heist

The Vijayawada police on Monday patted themselves on the back for solving, within 13 days, a gold heist that took place in the city on July 11.
Representational Image. | Express File Photo
Representational Image. | Express File Photo

VIJAYAWADA: The Vijayawada police on Monday patted themselves on the back for solving, within 13 days, a gold heist that took place in the city on July 11.
A gold workshop located on the busy Gopal Reddy Road in the Governorpet quarter of  Vijayawada was broken into on July 11. Some 5 kg of gold was swiped. On Monday, seven members of the gang were rounded up in Mumbai and brought to Vijayawada to face charges.
Some of the stolen gold, 4.025 kg, was recovered.
The heist was carried out by a gang whose members were from different states: Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Ex-cons all of them, they met up in prisons and decided to team up.
Before the Governorpet heist, they conducted recces of the workshop twice over the past three months, aided by inputs provided by a former employee, Tanmai (27), 
After the break-in, Vijayawada cops picked up the credit card left by one of the accused. They followed it to Mumbai and nabbed seven of them there  on Sunday night.
Vijayawada police boss Gautam Sawang said  the gang tried to mislead the police by going in different directions after the heist. But Sawang’s staff sniffed them out anyway. 

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