Make human rights education compulsory: Human Rights NGO

People’s Action for Rural Awakening, an NGO working towards implementation of the UN programme for human rights educations in schools organised a national children’s convention.
For representational purposes. (File Photo)
For representational purposes. (File Photo)

VIJAYAWADA: People’s Action for Rural Awakening (PARA), an NGO working towards implementation of the United Nations (UN) programme for human rights education (HRE) in schools organised a national children’s convention at MBVK Bhavan in Vijayawada on Saturday.

“The students whom we trained to fight against injustice will share their experiences at the convention. Also, they will propose a memorandum to the Minister of Education Audimulapu Suresh to request him to make human rights education compulsory in schools,” said director of PARA NGO Fr Ignatius.

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