Representational image of CBSE schools
Representational image of CBSE schools

100% results in Vijaywada schools

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Class X examinations results were released on Monday in which 16 lakh of the 17.6 lakh students who had appeared have passed.

VIJAYAWADA:  Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Class X examinations results were released on Monday in which 16 lakh of the 17.6 lakh students who had appeared have passed. At 91.10 per cent, the pass percentage is 4.4 per cent more than last year. The CBSE-affiliated schools in Andhra Pradesh did good results, with some witnessing 100 per cent results.

Notable among them are city schools KCP Siddhartha Adarsh Residential Public School and NSM Public school. All the 101 students of KCP Siddhartha Adarsh Residential Public School have passed the examinations. School toppers Aman Raj and Easwar Choudhury scored 488/500 (97.6 per cent) and 484/500 (96.8 per cent) respectively. 

The New Indian Express