VIJAYAWADA: Vijayawada Municipal Commissioner Swapnil Dinakar Pundkar instructed the officials to speed up the infrastructure works in the Jagananna housing layouts in the Vedurupavulur area. He inspected the works of Jagananna housing layouts at Vedurupavulur here on Friday.
During the inspection, the chief issued directions to discuss with the Electricity department and arrange three-phase electricity for 24 hours electricity.
“In order to fulfil the dream of owning a house for the poor in the urban areas, the government has ambitiously granted house plots to poor people under the Jananna housing scheme,” he said.
The commissioner said that the authorities should pay special attention to basic facilities like electricity, drinking water, roads and drains. He also inspected the Excel plant in Singh Nagar and the ongoing development works in the Iconic Park. Executive Engineers and others were present.