VIJAYAWADA: South Central Railways Vijayawada division railway manager Shivendra Mohan inaugurated self-propelled inspection car at Diesel Loco Shed in Vijayawada on Tuesday. This Rs 4.5 crore worth inspection car will save time, fuel and reduce the cost of operations.
This fully air conditioned inspection car manufactured by ICF saves crucial resources and reduces the cost of operations by a huge margin.On the occasion, Shivendra Mohan congratulated the mechanical department for inducting this brand new Self Propelled Inspection Car (SPIC) to the fleet of Vijayawada division.
DRM said that this 32 seat inspection car would be handy to use and helps in undertaking inspection of level crossings, overhead equipment, tracks and stations of Vijayawada division.
He stated that SPIC would negate the use of locomotive for hauling inspection cars/ saloons meant for inspection.Shivendra Mohan also said that this would save the time, fuel, turnaround time and resources by engaging the available spare locomotives for the passenger trains movement.