VIJAYAWADA: Delhi Public School Vijayawada hosted its Annual Academic Expo on Wednesday, showcasing the talents of students from grades 6 to 12. The event was inaugurated by Chief Guest Dr SB Rajendra Kumar Laghimsetti, Commissioner of AYUSH, AP Health, Medical, and Family Welfare Department, accompanied by the school’s directors P Pavan Chand and K Praveen Kumar, academic director David Raj, principal MS Bhuvaneswaran, and vice principal Sanjay Bhatia.
The expo saw enthusiastic participation from students, highlighting their comprehension and artistic capabilities across subjects such as Mathematics, English, Social Studies, Geography, Science, Economics, Business Studies, as well as Arts and Crafts.
Principal MS Bhuvaneswaran attributed the success of the event to the coordinated efforts of the school committee, teachers, students, and supportive parents.