VIJAYAWADA: With the annual nine-day Dasara festivities just two months away, authorities at the Sri Durga Malleswara Swamy Varla Devasthanam (SDMSD) have commenced rockfall mitigation work downhill near the Old Tonsuring Hall. The work, which began on Friday, includes tree cutting, debris clearing, and ground levelling, and is expected to be completed within a month.
The project aims to fortify weak points on the hill and cover them with an iron mesh. Last September, several boulders rolled down Indrakeeladri, damaging four vehicles. “Given the recent rains and the upcoming Dasara festivities, we have undertaken these rockfall protection measures, including the installation of a chain-link mesh after clearing trees and debris. The work will be completed as quickly as possible to ensure a clear path for the festivities. The temple authorities have allocated around Rs 1 crore for these mitigation efforts,” said the temple’s executive officer (EO), KS Rama Rao.
In the past, boulders falling on the ghat road have caused inconvenience to devotees. “In the next phase, we plan to fortify the entire hill area around the temple to prevent future boulders or landslides,” added the EO. For the safety of the team working on the rockfall mitigation, traffic police have imposed restrictions near the temple’s downhill check post and placed barricades to prevent any untoward incidents.