Hidden camera found in Hilton's hotel room in Dubai

Paris Hilton was very disturbed after her security personnel found hidden recording equipment in her hotel room.
Hidden camera found in Hilton's hotel room in Dubai

NEW YORK: Paris Hilton was very disturbed after her security personnel found hidden recording equipment during a routine check of her Dubai hotel room. Imdb.com reports that the socialite is in the Arab nation for her reality show "My New Best Friend Forever".

But the star's trip turned sour after her bodyguards discovered she could have been filmed throughout her stay at an exclusive Dubai resort when they stumbled across a secret video transmitter.

"It was some sort of transmitter by all accounts. We're not sure what the device picked up or whom it was transmitting to. But it did leave Paris very jittery. Everyone she has come into contact with during her stay in Dubai has been gracious. We've been told there are some quarters where there is anti-American feeling," a source told Britain's Daily Express newspaper.

"Paris' security has been increased and hotel staff are investigating how the device came to be in her room," added the source.

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